College Management System in Malaysia with generous features and affordable plans


Upgrade to Unlimited Students


All User Logins(Principal, Admin, Account, HR, Tutor, Parents, Students)


Manage All Courses and Batches


Free Cloud Hosting, Security


Professional training and support

Manage your College with all in 1 cloud based College Management System. Find the right plan and pick perfect features fits for your College management system. We got 'em all, automate everything, Generate insightful reports, Make better and faster decisions.

If you subscribe Pro Modules then you will have all the features/modules of Core Modules Pro Modules.

Add On Modules

myCampusSquare is designed and developed to integrate with multiple feature modules, and a number of notable extension modules already exist in myCampusSquare College Management System. You can view and select the multiple modules according to the needs of your institute.

Franchise Management System

Using this system every other institute who ever want to get franchise, they have to apply online and get approval and MOU through online. myCampusSquare is one of the Top Education Franchise Management. Franchisor can give access to all franchise to access and do there daily academic and nonacademic activities as like - Student Admission, Prepare Academic Calendar, Class Timetable, Attendance, Marking, Result, Tuition fee collection, Invoice, Payment, Online study, Online Lecturer Notes, PowerPoints, PDF and Video class etc. many more features.

Multiple Campus Management System

If you have multiple campus or centers running across the nation or globally, then myCampusSquare is the best solution for your business. Manage all other centers and branches from one system without using multiple system. Easy generate reports. Access to each centers and get reports on daily admission, income, expenses, HR and many mores. All in one multiple center management solution.

Simple, Powerful & Affordable College Management System

College Details Setup

Details College information form to capture College basic information together with banking details for student's tuition fee invoicing purpose.

Programme/Course Setup

This system allow user to configure and manage various programmes/courses with multiple version and as a result you no need to be worry if you have same programme/course which are holding different subjects, credit, semester, assessment breakup/marks breakup for different Intakes or Batches.

Subject Setup

Same like Programme Setup, you can manage your multiple version subject or a same programme easily.

Student Admission/Enrolment

Efficiently manage the complete student admission process using customized admission forms and help welcome applications that are the best fit for your institution

Students Database

A quick and easy way to search and access all your student records and data’s, both current and archived using various filters. Easy to access all active, pass out and quite students from one page. Advance download student data in excel file. Access deleted students with reason

Attractive Student Bio-Data View

One click to see overall about the student personal information, academic carrier, admission life cycle, academic progression, payment progression, behavioural reports, marks and result and many more.


A system to help you to create all your intakes/batches for each programme/courses time to time without any trouble.

Courses and Batches

Configure and manage multiple courses and batches according to your College's system and process.

Academic Calendar

The Academic Calendar serves as an information source and planning document for students, faculty, staff and departments, as well as outside organizations. The calendar includes registration dates, class start dates, add/drop deadlines, exam dates and more.


Create clear and error free timetables within minutes ensuring the best utilization and optimization of teachers and employees across your institution.

Student Attendance

Mark and track student attendance quickly to enable teachers to focus on the lesson at hand.

Home Works

You can easily assign and give home works to the students and track, check the performance of students etc.


From supporting grading systems such as College Level, SPM,STPM,IAS, ICSE, CCE, CWA, and GPA /CGPA to generating various student examinations reports, schedule and manage examinations effortlessly to fit the needs of your institution.


Easy system to mark students midterm/mid exam and final marks. You can key in all individual assessment breakups marks from one system and system helps you to do auto calculation of each student's marks.

Marks & Result Publication

Easy to Compile all the Continues Assessment marks together and then Publish within few Minutes.

Fails Students List

Withing a click you can generate batch/intake wise all pass and fail student which help you to take further decision.

Marks Publish Report

Easy to generate batch/intake wise marks publish reports from one system.

Analytic reports

Generate various students reports by using advance filtering option and download in excel for further use.

Offer Letter

Generate and issue conditional and confirmation offer letter from the system and base on the offer letter's mentioned tuition fee, during the admission and registration time it's get auto setup in system.


Its very hard to generate reports in excel when it comes to KPT/JPT/KDN Reports or other govt. require reports, but using this system you can generate all these require report as per the format within few clicks and download in excel. You now need to do any calculation for attendance, marks, GPA, CGPA etc.

Auto Email Notification

Auto Email Notification System

knowledge Base System

All-in-one knowledge base system for users to find their question's answer easily. User can just Type their issue and submit then all the related answer will show on their screen.

Admin Person Login

Secure personalized login credentials for every employee, allowing them to perform their tasks efficiently depending on the privileges assigned by their roles.

Online Student Application

Online application system for students/parents to apply for study via institute's website page.

Student Application Verification

All the applied students list are accessible from admin/admission system, whereby admin person can see the student are direct student or bring by any agent/representative or not, can take decision to register the student or not. Admin can reject the application with proper reason, can delete, can edit and also can issue the offer letter from here without any hassle.uniform fee, exam fee and many more. After generate/issue you can take system help to send digital invoice to students or parents email, from there they can download the PDF file and can make wither online or online payment.

Hold Student

System to help you to hold any student's class, exam and tuition fee from their study if they are not coming to the class due to any valid reason, which help everyone in the institute to know about student's absent and reason not coming to class. Easily whenever require you can take out the hold and student carry on with the study.

Custom Student Remarks

Provide feedback and general comments about a student's performance in class and in examinations, behavior, anything else just from one centralized system. All the details are recorded inside system and whenever require you can view all comments.

Fee/Invoice Management

Total overall various kind of fees collection system - From Tuition fees to other miscellaneous fees.

Student Fees and Invoice

Total overall various kind of fees collection system - From Tuition fees to other miscellaneous fees. Generate invoice - per-class basic, monthly, semester wise, one-time basis. In one invoice you can include multiple type of fees as like tuition fee, ID card fee, information gets recorded inside system for further decision.

Tuition Fee Collection

You can collect tuition or other fees through the system, students can make payment anytime - system don't stop/bar you to collect the payment which can be any number of figure or any time.

Online Payment Integration

You can integrate your bank account with the system, which help student to pay online without coming to the institute physically and once they make the payment automatically tuition fee balance amount get updated.

Payment Receipt

System help you to generate, issue digital payment receipt to the students without any hassle.

Track Each Invoice and Payment

Easy and advance invoice and payment tracking system, you can track each students payment and due.

Payment Reminder

If any invoice or payment is due, then you can send reminder to the student into their email ad all the

Payment Reports

Easy access all current students payment progression report - overall tuition fee, how much has paid, how much balance. You can send auto system reminder to the students easily.

Contra Payment

You will have payment contra system, which helps you to do contra from students existing payment and keep the record for future reference.

Programme Enquiry System

A Enquiry system for parent, applicant and student to do any kind of enquiry to the institution via institute's website.

Enquiry Follow-up

Once enquiry done, then your marketing team can follow up with the candidate from the system itself and all records are stored inside system for future reference.

Institute's Events Management

Inform, and be informed of events happening on and off campus by glancing at your color-coded system calendar.

News and Announcement

Spread the news and keep all your employees and students engaged by bringing the latest happenings on campus right to their dashboards and emails. Announce to the parents for any occasion and special events etc.


System to handle all other students whose tuition fee are paying by other sponsor body as like PTPTN, MARA, JPK, Other Govt. or Private Organization etc.

Online Warning Letter

Send Automated Online Warning letter to student's portal if they absent any class.

Employee/Teacher Login

Secure personalized login credentials for every employee, allowing them to perform their tasks efficiently depending on the privileges assigned by their roles.

Student/Parent Login

Secure personalized login credentials for every student and parent; to empower all students to monitor and track their ward's progress reports, results, attendance, and many more.

Credit Transfer System

Online Credit Transfer application system - to help student's to apply online and admin to manage everything in online without doing any manual job.


Enable students, teachers, and other employees to collaborate, interact and exchange information and ideas. Encourage thoughtful dialogue by allowing members to post messages and reply to other messages.

Photo Gallery

Upload, organize and share photos with other students and employees on various events happening in your institution.

HR Management

Record and organize all employee details enabling quick access to employee details enabling quick access to employee information and effective management of employee payroll and leave.

Employee Leave Management

Each employee able to apply their various type of leave via system and System for the HR department to track and keep all the employee's leave application, approval matter. Once any staff apply for leave then its goes to their HOD for approval and after HOD approval its goes to HR for final approval.

Employee Leave History

HR department can easily track and see all the employee's past and current leave, reason, balance from one system.

Transcript & Certificate Application & Approval

System for the students to apply online for their Certificate and Transcript and then its goes to all the respective department for approval - after approval then examination department able to print Certificate & Transcript.

Student's Complain System

An online system for the students to do complain for any services, as like academic, finance or hostel related. All complain goes to one centralized system for admin to manage and update the work progression time to time. Which is accessible from student's portal.

Analytical Reports

Generate various programme enquiry, applicants, students, staffs related reports by using advance filtering option and download in excel for further use.

Foreign Student Passport Visa Management

System for the international/foreign students' data, passport, visa management. System helps you to record each foreign student's passport number, issue and expiry date, visa number, visa issue and expiry date. Auto reminder to admin before 3 months of visa expiry to do renewal.

International Students Report

Easy system to generate and download all active, pass out international students data including students passport and visa details and download in excel.


Empower students, teachers, and other employees to create and publish blog posts on any topic and help share their story with everyone. It includes features typically found in blogs such as searching for old entries, commenting, comment moderation, and many more.

Alumni Student Management

Alumni management system, for graduated student to get access inside alumni system, keep up update with all internal information and activities, update students job information time to time. Generate reports by admin and download in excel.

Alumni Event Announcement

Organize events to help connect your students and employees with alumni and build strong relationships.

Agent Online Application and Approval

Mainly for the College representative to apply online to get license to bring students. Using this system agent will not be able to apply commission for the same students twice and they only can apply for commission which student recruited by them.

Agent Portal

Each approved agent has their own portal to access, download the MOU, register their own students and apply for commission.

Online Commission

System for the Agent/College representative to apply for their commission after recruit students and account department can pay online or online.

Agent Commission Payment

System for the account department to pay each agent's student recruitment commission, track the payment. Using this system agent will not be able to apply commission for the same students twice and they only can apply for commission which student recruited by them.

Hostel Management

Efficiently manage all your hostels and residential facilities in the institution. Allocate rooms to students, collect and track hostel fees, and generate comprehensive reports that will help you on top of allimportant hostel administrative activities.

SMS Integration

You can integrate your mobile SMS in this system and can send message, notice, announcement to the students, tutors, parents.

User/Role Management

Four user roles-administrator, employee, student, and parent-that determine what the user can and cannot do within system. Administrators can assign and manage employee privileges based on the role played in the institution.

Programme Syllabus Setup

myCampusSquare LMS system to setup all the programmes/courses syllabus in details. Setup learning objective, learning outcome, learning synopsis. Programme year and semester setup together with which subject under which semester etc. Programme entry requirement, carrier opportunities, programme brief description etc.

Online Course Builder and Content Management

myCampusSquare LMS provides accessible content to learners. With myCampusSquare LMS, you can use embedded content creation tools that support multiple formats. The tools you need are ready immediately.

Subject Semester Setup

myCampusSquare LMS, system to setup each semester subject together with subject name, code, credit hour, subject status, pre-requisition etc. Each subject learning objective, learning outcome, learning synopsis.

Subject Assessment Configuration

myCampusSquare LMS, system to configure, all the subjects and assessment breakup for summative and formative exam, as like Assignment 20%, Class Test 10%, Quiz 20% and Final Exam 50%. You can setup your own type of subject assessment breakup as all the subject don't follow the same breakup.

Subject Topic Creation

System to create all subject's topic - point by point, which is accessible from the student portal and which help students to know their class progression and mentally prepare.

Notes-Study Material Upload

Using myCampusSquare LMS lecturer can upload daily lecture notes, study material in the form of PPT, PDF, VIDEO and it is accessible from each student's portal.

Sample Assessment, Assignment, Final Exam Questions

Student can access course guide, sample assessment, assignment, final exam questions from their portal.

Upload Assignment

myCampusSquare LMS - online Assignment allocation by the lecturer and upload system from student portal, lecturer can mark online.

Online Forum

Online forum system, for lectures to initiate discussion topic for lecturer own subject and each registered student can join the forum for discussion. System auto monitor and calculate each student's forum attendance count, visit count, view count and give details report to the lecturer for evaluation and marking.

Online MCQ System

Online MCQ System for students to attend online MCQ exam, true false, color match, image match etc. Admin can setup time duration or each question and each exam. Once students start the exam, they will receive an auto alert at the middle of the exam time and before 15 minutes of exam finish. Once exam finish student can see their score card and also correct answer for each question.

Learner Benefits

Students can access audio, visual or interactive educational information, giving them a richer experience than a traditional setting. An LMS is an enhanced online classroom.

Social Learning and Notifications

Get real-time notifications of activity from your teams and learners. Drive higher course completion rates through unique communication and notifications. An LMS keeps you up to speed with your students.

Analytics and tracking

Monitor your learners with enhanced completion tracking and personalised learning plans, built from competency frameworks and learning objectives. Benefit from myCampusSquare LMS's powerful analytics to predict and support learners at risk of failing.

Socialize your learning

Support your learners on their journey through private messaging, group activities and collaborative experiences.


The best LMS should give admins and instructors the ability to add or complete tasks automatically, giving them more time to focus on teaching. Litmos can automate such tasks as group enrollment and task assignment.
